「寫對話」需要這些基礎:attributive phrase(我不知道是不是文法真的有這個名稱,還是我教授自己說的), period&comma(句號&逗號), quotation(引 號)的用法(參見下面範例)
Mary said, "I'm your new teacher. Please fill out this form and sign your name, Jim."
*畫斜線的部分就是attributive phrase(可以放在話前、話中、話末)
*period, comma& quotation 的部分就是上句的一些細節,例如:引號要寫得靠「說的話」一點
我們的教材是Longman Academic Writing Series 3 ,以下是書的目錄共八頁,給有興趣的人參考
目前給他帶過形容詞子句(也就是關係子句)的部分,他說 that 大部分用在非獨立子句(少了後面的補充會影響句義),而which 大多用在獨立
子句(少了後面的補充不會影響句義)。他上文法時是先在白板講個大概,然後再開始帶題目,我會再自己看課本(課本上的標題是 complex
sentence with adjective clause)
WRONG:"Hi Jim" "How are you?" "Have you eat breakfast yet?"
RIGHT: "Hi Jim!" said Mary, cheerfully. "How are you? Have you eat breakfast yet?"
I planned to change profession from nursing, and entering the software industry.
After spending a whole year learning in buxiban, I decided to go to attend Google interview. Considering I don’t have any interview experience of this industry, I vist my cousin, Amy for help.
“I will have a Google interview two weeks later,” I said. “May I ask you some question about how to preparing for it?”
“Well, you truly lack of experience. I work in human resources department,so let me give you some advice,” said Amy.
“Hey, mayebe I could help too,” said Joe,who is Amy’s younger sister. “Since I like challenges, I find different jobs every three to five years. I have extensive experience when it comes to interview. ”
I said, “Great! I am lucky to have you here,and I am all ears.”
Amy said, “First of all, you need to ‘do your homework.’” “You need to know the company’s mission,its product and services,who their top executives are and their latest press releases.” “Talking in the interview about what’s going on with the company now shows your attention to the company.”
“Exactly. Even, you could ‘identify what the organization wants and needs’by’do your homework,” said Joe.
“What do you mean,” I said.
“I mean to find out ‘What the company’s problem or pain point?’,”said Joe, “,and knowing this will makes a big difference when competing with many other qualified candidates.”
“Oh, I get it,” I said.
“After that, you are suggested to prepare a list of likely question,”said Amy. “ The common questions may like ‘Tell me about your self.’” “Don’t tell them your life story,which they’re definitely not interested in,” “but discuss what your interest are relating to the job and why your background makes you a great candidate.”
“Okay, ” I said, “please continue.”
“When you are asked ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses?,” Amy said, “just talk about the weakness you’ve defeated.”
“I understand. What a smart answer! ” I said.
Joe said, “You probably be asked for an example of a time when you have a problem with a supervisor and yor approach the problem.” “If you show you were able to overcome a people problem,this will be helpful for getting the job.”
“Well said,” said Amy, “and ‘What should I hire you?’is a common question, too.”
“The interviewer may not ask you this questions directly, but, when you answer most of the questions, you had better stay focused on why background make you an ideal candidate.”
“I have remembered what you just said, I will practice writing down the answers to the questions.” I said.
“Never said anything negative about your prior employers-no matter how bad the situation may have been.” Joe added.
“Okay.” I said.
“Good. And then you should practice and plan ,” said Joe. “I’m asking if you want us to conduct a mock interview with you?”
“Yeah, I want it badly.” I said.
“Well, I have read Get Your Dream Job by Ann Yang. The book says that you can think and write down at least two or three stories in advance,” said Joe, “ for fear that the interviewers might ask you to say some workplace experience stories that describe your accompolishment.”
“Thank you so much for teaching me to prepare for the interview. I grateful,” I said.
“You bet,” said Amy.
“We are looking forward to your good news,” said Joe.
I follow Amy’s and Joe’s instruction to prepare for my interview, and they give me a mock interview one week later. They complimented on my well answers and response and encouraged me. Two weeks later, I'm admitted.