This retarded, fascist music is the fucking problem. 就是這該死音樂的問題。
retarded adj. 弱智的;智障的
Got us thinking in circle. 讓我的想法毫無進展。
We have been dancing to the wrong beat. 我們走錯了方向。(做事/思考)
You are bob fucking fosse. 你真他媽太棒了。
fosse n.(尤指要塞中)长而窄的壕堑,坑道
I'm notplaying around with you. 我不是在和你開玩笑。
What's the point if you can't publish? 如果不能公諸於世又有何意義?
What are the moral considerations of that? 這為甚麼是不道德的呢?
(女主在進行人獸雜交試驗時,男主阻止她說這有道德疑慮,女主說這可能能拯救受疾病所苦的人們,並問男主What are the moral considerations of that?)
What you and Alsa have been so busy with? 你最近和Alsa 在忙甚麼?
Not for long. 很快就好了。
You don't sound that enthusiastic. 你聽上去情緒並不高。
I don't know. I just don't want to moveagain any time soon. 我不想這麼快又搬家。
anytime soon 短期之內
anytime soon這個詞,只在近十年才流行,我年輕時從沒聽過。它的意思是近期內都不會發生,例句:John will not return to Hong Kong anytime soon.(John短期內都不會回港。)Iraq will not enjoy peace anytime soon.(伊拉克短期內都不會和平。)anytime soon是俚語,較正規的說法是in the near future。(資料來源:楊官教英文---楊官教室)
I don't want to bent my life to suit some third party that doesn't even exist yet. 我可不想活得這麼辛苦。
There's still a lot we can learn. 我們可以研究它。
Are you trying to get yourself killed? 你是想找死嗎?
You had it under control? 局勢在你控制之中嗎?
This is unbeluevable. I don't even know what half of this is. 真不敢置信!這裡的東西我知道得不到一半。
a matter of 差不多,大約;和...有關; 就依靠...; 由...決定; 是...的問題
- 1. 差不多, 大約
The nearest gas station is away from here for a matter of ten miles. 最近的加油站離這裡大約有十英里。
I'm alittle worn out. 我太困了。
You are still not ready to talk abouy it?你還是不準備談談它嗎?
1. 渴望獲得;迫切需要
The artist craved recognition of his talents. 這位藝術家渴望他的天才得到承認。
2. 懇求,請求
He craved a favor of the king. 他懇求國王恩准。
1. 渴望[(+for/after)][+to-v]
A man in sorrow craves for sympathy. 悲痛中的人渴望得到同情。
2. 懇求,請求[(+for)]
(資料來源:yahoo 字典)
We won't that you down. 我們不會讓你失望的。