make coffee 煮咖啡
make a copy/copies 影印副本
copying machine 影印機
light candles on a cake 點蛋糕上的蠟燭
carry a cake(sth) in one's hand 手裡拿著蛋糕
turn right to the audience 右轉面對觀眾
work in the office 在辦公室裡工作
walk down the street vs walk down the street
(1)walk down the street, 通常會接著說一些指定的地標, 比如說
"Just walk down the street until you see the traffic light then turn left."一直走下去直到你看到紅綠燈在左轉
(2)walk along the street, 沿著街道走,通常是找一些比較小的地方, 比如說是一家店等等
The traffic is light on the street. 街道上的交通流量不大。
traffic light 街道上的紅綠燈
The cars are stopped at the light. 車被停在路燈旁。
pile some papers(sth.) 疊一些紙(某物)
file papers in folders 把論文歸檔到文件夾裡
a pile of boxes 一疊箱子
The sheep are grazing by the water. 綿羊在水邊吃草。
The ship is drifting on the sea. 船在海上漂移(尤指有外力作用下)。
in a row 一排
row a boat 划船
water the plant 幫花草/植物澆水
Two more car-assembly plants(工廠) were closed by the strike. 又有兩家汽車裝配廠因罷工而關閉。 plant N. 植物、設備、工廠
plant V.種植、放置、栽贓
My brother planted(放置) himself on the sofa in front of the television. 我哥哥坐在電視機前的沙發上。
He planted(放置) a kiss on her forehead. 他在她的額頭上吻了一下。
He planted(放置) a blow on his opponent's jaw. 他一拳打在對手的下巴上。
cart N. (兩輪或四輪的)運貨馬車、手推小車、(裝有四個小輪、有一個或多個擱板、運送食物或飲料的)小推車,臺車
shopping cart 購物車
Every 30 minutes or so the flight attendant would wheel the drinks cart down the aisle. 大約每隔30分鐘就會有航班乘務員推著飲料車沿著通道走過。
cart V. (尤指費力地)運送,搬運
We carted all the rubbish to the bottom of the garden and burned it. 我們把所有的垃圾都運到了花園的盡頭燒掉了。
The drunks who had been sleeping in the park were carted off (= taken by force) to the police station. 睡在公園裡的醉漢被強行帶到了警察局。